ICADL 2022 Guidelines
Presentation and participation guidelines
Full and short presentations
- Full: 15 min. oral presentation + 5 min. Q&A.
- Short: 10 min. oral presentation + 5 min. Q&A.
- In case you present onsite, you should present in person.
- Even if you present online, you are expected to make the presentation in real time and be available for Q&A following the presentation. Please access the Zoom URL for your session at least 15 minutes before the session and use the same name as your paper. Technical support teams will identify presenters based on your name. If some disruptions happen in your presentation, please contact our technical team members via the chat box of Zoom. We will use the submitted video link just in case of network problems. For example, suppose something wrong happens 5 minutes and 20 seconds after your presentation starts. In that case, technical team members will play your pre-recorded video setting the starting time to 5 minutes and 20 seconds instead of a live presentation.
Poster exhibition
- The submitted video link will be distributed to participants via emails.
- You should enter a Zoom breakout room labeled with your paper title and use. Online participants will ask questions directly or using a chat box in this room.
- You can use slides for presentation instead of a traditional single poster.
- In case you participate onsite, you should use your own laptop to share your screen in the Zoom breakout room. The screen is also displayed in an extra monitor to present your research to the in-person audience. If you bring printed slides or an A0 poster, you can put those on the panel.
- If you participate online, please share your screen in your breakout room.
Zoom instructions for online participants
- To ensure the security of conference sessions, passwords for Zoom meetings will be sent to you ONE DAY before the conference.
- You can access all conference sessions through the links posted on the conference program section at ICADL 2022 page: https://icadl.net/icadl2022/program-details.html
- If you need any support, please contact us at: icadl2022@gmail.com
Downloading Zoom:
- Please download Zoom from https://www.zoom.us/download#client_4meeting
- More Zoom training videos: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-video-tutorials
- Zoom privacy and security information: https://zoom.us/docs/en-us/privacy-and-security.html
Additional Information:
ZOOM instructions for participants:
- ZOOM instructions for session chairs/organizers/presenters:
- ZOOM Background: Participants can download and use the ICADL2022 background image for their ZOOM accounts:
Mobile version or
Laptop version
ZOOM instructions for participants:
- The organizers of ICADL2022 strongly support the policy against discrimination and harassment as stated in ACM statement.